
摘 要






With the increasing of international shipping container trade, the production and elimination of shipping container is also increasing. So this type of building did not catch people’s eyes until recent decades. Making full use of the space of waste containers and transforming them into all kinds of buildings are not only an environment-friendly way to build but also an energy saving program. Moreover, it can meet a variety of architectural function needs in a win-win way. Until today, container building is still a new architecture form, vibrant and energetic, need to be explored. It can be said that the possibilities of design and construction is far away from been exhausted.

To some extent this paper is the first systematic analysis of the experience in container architecture design and construction process in foreign countries. And this paper also systematizes the theoretical study results of container architecture in foreign countries, translates them into the useful theoretical basis for the development of China's container architecture. This paper compensates the blank of the study of design method in domestic container architecture, and also analyzes the existing status in container building industry and the architectural design. At last, the paper takes an actual case of a permanent container building as a case study.

This paper is divided into seven sections. The first chapter introduces the background and significance of the topics, concepts and scope of the definition in the paper, priorities and methods etc. Chapter II describes the development process of container architecture, container building development and theoretical studies of the present in domestic and other countries, the situation of research in practice and theory of the process of existing problems, and it also points to understand the value and significance of the article. From Chapter III to Chapter VI for the issues of analysis and research. Chapter III of the container building functional adaptation research, and discusses the characteristics and properties of container construction. Chapter IV of the container building interior space adaptive design study contains a single box container space and human scale of the study, functional modular interior layout of the unit cabinet building adaptive design and analysis of the case. Chapter V of the container construction of the box adaptive combination of design, in combination with an instance of the box container construction combined into the box combined non-repetitive units and repetitive combination of two cabinet design approach are discussed. Chapter 6 describes the basic process of container construction and building renovation measures, summarized the container building construction process, and gives the box in the construction process of the reform measures. Chapter VII with the actual case of Vanke restaurant as an example of eco-container case study. With a view to the adaptability of container building design and construction guidance and promote the development of the domestic container construction industry.

Key words: Container building; Adaptive design; Modular space design; Container combination; Construction measures


图 1.1 20 英尺标准集装箱结构图

图 2.1 荷兰霍恩集装箱拱桥

图 2.2 英国 Travelodge 集团 uxbridge 酒店施工及完成照片

图 2.3 马士基集装箱博爱学校

图 2.4 2003-2009 年集装箱房制造企业数量

图 2.5 集装箱房屋制造行业企业分布

图 2.6 2005-2008 年中集集团集装箱房统计

图 3.1 集装箱建筑模块化装配式建造

图 3.2 传统建筑施工过程碳排放分项比例

图 3.3 集装箱建筑、混凝土建筑、木材建筑生命周期不同阶段二氧化碳

图 3.4 “种子计划”海地紧急住房建筑

图 3.5 “种子计划”应急集装箱建筑平面图及剖面图

图 3.6 “种子计划”集装箱箱体改造过程

图 3.7 EX-Container 集装箱临时住宅建造案例

图 3.8 成都“心灵之花”集装箱社区设计方案

图 3.9 集装箱临时性住宅

图 3.10 美国休斯顿集装箱联排住宅

图 3.11 集装箱度假屋

图 3.12 集装箱改造住宅

图 3.13 多层集装箱宿舍

图 3.14 DA STARK Interiors 室内设计公司办公楼

图 3.15 集装箱商业服务设施

图 3.16 长沙岳麓区集装箱公交车调度站

图 3.17 丹麦哥本哈根集装箱展览厅

图 3.18 广州 53 美术馆

图 3.19 墨西哥瓜达拉哈拉集装箱学校

图 3.20 集装箱艺术展构筑物

图 3.21 韩国仁川集装箱观海台

图 3.22 集装箱用于狭窄空间

图 3.23 “框架——抽屉”式集装箱建筑

图 3.24 集装箱消防训练塔

图 4.1 人体活动与室内空间尺度

图 4.2 人体基本尺寸

图 4.3 集装箱室内视场分析

图 4.4 20 英尺集装箱与中银仓体楼平面比较

图 4.5 中银仓体楼居住单元

图 4.6 40 英尺集装箱和马赛公寓平面比较

图 4.7 40 英尺单箱体改造建筑室内空间分析

图 4.8 20 英尺集装箱室内断面布置

图 4.9 集装箱建筑内部模块示意

图 4.10 节约空间的整体式家具

图 4.11 20 英尺集装箱室内空间设计

图 4.12 加州理工大学伸缩式集装箱实验建筑

图 4.13 箱体伸缩式扩展示意图

图 4.14 移动居住单元示意图及照片

图 4.15 移动居住单元伸缩式扩展示意图

图 4.16 ―按钮住宅‖平面图及照片

图 4.17 澳大利亚国立大学集装箱学生宿舍

图 4.18 集装箱学生宿舍方案(端入式)

图 4.19 集装箱学生宿舍方案(侧入式)

图 4.20 端入式单侧外走廊宿舍布置方式

图 4.21 端入式内走廊宿舍布置方式

图 4.22 双侧外走廊双人间室内布局


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